Monday, July 11, 2011

Mark Martin; Shane Broadway

Arkie Malarkey – For Those Who Live in Arkansas or Wish They Did…

Marking Martin

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette last weekend ran another hit piece editorial on Republican Secretary of State Mark Martin. It’s at least their second editorial against Martin; in fact, during one week awhile back there was not only an editorial in the Dem-Zette against him but one fairly critical of him in the affiliated Northwest Arkansas Times. True, Mark may have hit a few rough spots in getting settled in his new position over the last six months, and perhaps the newspapers were right in calling him on it. But two Democrat-Gazette critical pieces taking up all that valuable editorial page real estate? Complete with a photo on one of them?

The latest editorial attack shows the Dem-Zette to be acting as silly as they’re trying to paint the secretary of state. Martin, the newspaper thunders, has “been engaging in self-promotion rather than public service, issuing a press release applauding himself for not having spent all of his office’s appropriation.”


How many news releases does the Dem-Zette receive each day from corporations, organizations, government agencies, and politicians each touting all their good deeds?

It’s called public relations and as much as news organizations may not want to admit it, they’re often dependent upon those news releases. Even though many are trivial and for good reason are never published.

And so what if, as the newspaper claims, most state constitutional offices run a surplus each year? Did Mark beat every one else in realizing the public relations value of such an occurrence? Sounds like pretty good management to me. Maybe the real issue is that we’d be better served by the Democrat-Gazette if they raised the question of all that fiscal slop through over-budgeting.

Why is Mark Martin such a target? Could it be related to the critical roles that secretaries of state play in elections? Just sayin’ now – but isn’t that why George Soros is funding an effort to place Democrats in every secretary of state’s office?

Is that the reason for the attacks on Mark Martin?

Just sayin’…

Beebe: Give My Regards to Broadway


Shane Broadway says it’s just “semantics” that say he’s not qualified to be director of the state Department of Higher Education. Somebody needs to tell Broadway and Governor Mike Beebe that those semantics should be spelled “C-R-O-N-Y-I-S-M.” The Arkansas Democrat Gazette says the director needs to be an individual competent in institutional management and finance and who has worked on a higher education campus. Broadway claims his work as a legislator working with college professors and administrators makes him qualified.


Perhaps Tina Fey can help him improve those qualifications, as in: “I can see a college campus from my house.”

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